Probation Violations

Probation violations are serious situations that can have immediate consequences to your freedom. In fact, you may be reading this because someone you love is already in custody because their probation officer took out a warrant for their arrest.

Everyone placed on probation or parole has conditions they must follow and usually supervising officers take a zero tolerance attitude. You may have tested positive for drugs or alcohol; you may have missed an appointment to report; maybe you didn’t complete community service. You may also have committed another offense.

If you or your child is taken into custody for violating probation, you have a right to a timely hearing, typically within 30 days, to determine if a violation actually occurred.

What Can Happen?

Probation is jail without bars. If you are on probation, you still face jail if you violate any of your terms and conditions. If you have only committed technical violations, the judge can revoke you to prison for up to 2 years. But if the judge finds that you have violated your probation by committing another offense, he/she can revoke you to prison for any amount of time you have left on your sentence.

All is not lost for you, however. Sentences can be modified to make it easier for you or your child to comply with the terms of probation. That is why it is essential to have an experienced attorney by your side. At Hirsch Criminal Defense, we focus on working with prosecutors, supervising probation officers, and judges to reach the best posible result for you.

IF YOU OR YOUR CHILD IS ARRESTED for a probation violation, fill out the form or call Hirsch Criminal Defense now at (678) 561-0411 for a free consultation.

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